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Cangzhou Xindewei Animal Drug Co.,Ltd
The specifications of choline chloride
Choline is classified as B-complex vitamin. It is the composition of
acetylcholine and phosphatidylcholine, it plays an vital role in animals' healthy growth.
1. Choline is the important thing for poultry, fowls,chicken,duck,goat and fish,etc. It can adjust the fat changing and metabolizing, preventing the tissue from degeneration in liver. As a methyl group source, it improves the reformulation and utilization of amino acids.
2. Choline is vital for chicken and other fowls. The amino acids and acetylcholine formed with choline can prevent the deposition of fat in liver and kidney, speedup the growth of poultry, and improve breeding &hatchability rate.
3. Test show that lack of choline can lower the fat in plasma, triglyceride, cholesterol, lipoid and slow down the growth of grass carp.
4. Lack of choline can make the marten, pig, rabbit, and cattle weak and sickly.
Recommended Dosage: On the average, 1kg can be mixed with 1000kg feed. For the young poultry and fowls, should add more than usual.
It aslo can balance and increase the efficiency of the used feedstuffs, promote animal's growth and breeding, improve the survival rate, eggs yield and growing rate. Therefore, it is a high quality source of feed additives.