We are among the precursors who are majoring in the electric vehicle(EV) project in china, In 2005 we invented Power Chair Controller.
Now we produce all types of controller and converter for electric vehicles (EV) and electric boats(EB).
Our electronic pulse-width modulated (PWM) controller that includes low voltage battery protection, peak amperage protection,maximum speed protection,and stall protection.
we have some different box configuration,and if you have adequate quantity demands,we can offer the box configuration according to your requirement.
Photo P0027,P0028,P0008a;Electric wheelchair Controllers,It can control two brush motors to disabled (mobility) scooter Controllers,It have continuous power of 30A. it's a 24 volt system including Joystick and complete procedure.Over currect value:60amps. rated Power 350-500w, Under-voltage value 21V, It"s reversible with no relays. price,$150.00USD./unit
Quantity in 1-5 price,$220.00USD./unit
Quantity in 5-9 price,$200.00USD./unit
Quantity in 10-50 price,$150.00USD./unit
Photo 050104-001;Scooter Controllers,It have continuous power of 30-60A. it's a 24 volt system Over currect value:60-80amps. rated Power 350-500w, Under-voltage value 21Vprice, It"s reversible with no relays. price $30-60.00USD./unit
Also may partnerships production Power Chair Controller with Scooter Controller.