1. This product is equipped with micro-computer and intellectualize multi-function mechanism hands
which can detect the height of users automatically so as to set a most comfortable position for massage.
2. Four-wheel driven muted mechanism moving up and down the backrest,can synchronously perform
kneading,flapping,shiatsu,tapping,kneading&flapping on head,neck,back,waist and buttocks.
3. Movable air pressure massage in armrest
4. Air-pressure massage on buttocks, legs and feet, viberating massage on calf and back and heating
function,help eliminate pain and remove fatigue.
5. Mp3 inside enables users to download music freely. The intensity of massage changes according to the
inflection of music.
6. The backrest can be regulated automatically and the angle of calfrest rotation is 15-90 degree.
7. Foot free wheels inside.