Product Main


- Filters rust and impurities
- Elimination of residual chlorine
- Skin moisturizing & revitalization
- Visual indicator system for filter replacement
- The first stage is impurities filtration: This process eliminates rust, heavy metals and micro impurities (≤ 5μm).
- The second stage is purification:  This process uses ceramic filters to trap impurities, destroy bacteria and neutralize chlorine that flow through the water pipes.
- The third stage is revitalization: In this process, the water molecules pass through far infrared emitting ceramics and break into smaller clusters that are healthier for drinking and washing.
- Free of Chlorine: Specially designed ceramics neutralize chlorine.
- Impurities Filtration: This process eliminates rust, heavy metals and micro impurities (≤ 5um).
- Visual indicator system for filter replacement
- Antibacterial Activity: Specially designed ceramics prevents bacteria growth.  
- Emission of Far-infrared Ray: The water molecules pass through far infrared emitting ceramics and break into smaller clusters that are healthier for skin.
- Catching pigeons with one bean (Free of rust, impurities, viruses, chlorine)
- Visual indicator system for filter replacement
- Rust and impurities removal by sediment filter   Turns to revitalized water by special ceramic
- Low cost of maintenance
- Simple installation without tools
- Atopy & Itch Skin
- Dandruffy Skin
- Skin Cornificaiton
- Baby & Children
- Hair Loss
- Dry Skin