Product Main


1. DESCRIPTION The product is a red or brown liquid, it provides the lubricant with good low temperature dispersibility and certain high-temperature detergency. 2. APPLICATIONS The product is used primarily for high quality engine oils and cylinder oils for low speed marine engine with outside guide. The dosage is from 2.0% to 4.0%. 3. CHARACTERISTICS ITEM TYPICAL VALUE TEST METHOD  Density (20), Kg/m3 890-935 GB/T 1884  Flash Point (open cup),  170 min GB/T 267  Kinematics Viscosity (100)mm2/s 150-250 GB/T 265  Chroma (dilute), No. 7.0 max GB/T 6540  TBN, mg KOH/g 15~30 QJ/JSH 736  Nitrogen,m% 1.1-1.3 GB/T 0224  Water, m% 0.1 max GB/T 260 Impurities, m% 0.08 max GB/T511 4. PACKING AND STORAGE The packing, marking, transportation, storage and delivery acceptance should meet the requirements of SH/T0164. It is packed in 200 litre metal drum. Store in dry, clean and ventilating warehouses.