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The capsules are processing of Cordyceps militaris polysaccharide and fruiting body by high-tech; they are tasted well and easy to assimilate. The Cordyceps militaris polysaccharide can enhance the immune function, increase amount of leucocyte. Make it suitable for curing the malignant tumor in clinic practice such as Phthisic, ED, Wet dream, etc.
Cordyceps militaris is a central nervous system sedative, cooler, anticonvulsant. Cordyceps militaris can bring down the cardiovascular system high blood pressure, reducing myocardial oxygen consumption, improve myocardial ischemia, playing anti-arrhythmic role. It can expand the bronchial, eliminating phlegm,treat asthma, has significant effects to chronic nephritis, renal failure. The polysaccharide can enhance immune function and disease resistance. It is the perfect healthcare foodstuff.