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In addition to medical treatment, health care products, cosmetics, food products, such as the use of a large amount. With improved living standards, social progress, science and technology to increase domestic demand in foreign markets are expected to grow ginseng.
 At present, no residual market ginseng good sales, high prices, development, the Senate forest will be highly competitive. At present, forest Participation is very good sales, price stability, product demand.
 We are forecasting wild forest plantations will not be greater than the demand.
 I lead the party for 30 years, the former cadres than 20 years, growing ginseng for 20 years, the level of theory and provide a full range of technical services.
 To grow seeding forest is also a very good rich, short production cycle, quick, small investment risk. grow seeding the best time, after the Cold Dew.
 Every spring, summer, autumn, three different times can be planted seed.
 1, you can come to our office to visit.
 2, free of charge on the Senate forest knowledge, so when planting technical guidance, after emergence to provide management services.
 3, the provision of free technical information on the use of forest Senate.
 4, the sale of ginseng special ginseng seeds