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PRODUCT NAME:Rhodiola rosea Extract PLANT ORIGINAL:Rhodiola rosea L. PART USED:Root SPECIFICATION 1. Salidroside 1% ~ 5% Test by HPLC 2. Rosavin 1% ~ 3% Test by HPLC 3. Rosavins 1% ~ 3% Test the sum of Rosavin Rosarin and Rosin by HPLC 4. Rosavin(s) + Salidroside Test by HPLC INDICATIONS: Rhodiola rosea L., A plant native to mountainous regions of Asia, parts of Europe, and the Arctic, Rhodiola rosea has long been used as a healing herb. Traditionally it is often recommended to help combat fatigue and restore energy.Other studies on rhodiola have shown benefits in such varied areas as increased learning capacity and memory enhancement, regulation of menstrual periods and infertility, reduction of side effects from cancer chemotherapy, increased sexual libido and erectile dysfunction, enhancement of thyroid gland function, increased capacity for work and endurance, and protection from environmental toxins. MAIN ACTIVE IGREDIENTS The most active ingredients of Rhodiola rosea is the Salidroside and Rosavins(include Rosavin Rosarin & Rosin), also contained Flavonoids Polyphenols and Naphtha like Rhodionin Rhodiosin Rhodiolin Rhodionidin Rhodiolgidin Sosaol and so on. Salidroside can relieve the fatigue, postpone caducity, resist the side effect of anoxia and microwaveradiation, it also have the ability of promoting the mental energy and body function etc. Rosavins refers to the three active compounds rosavin, rosin, and rosarin.