Product Main


Latin Name: Garcinia mangostana
Part used: Fruit
Appearance: Red-brown Powder
Specification: A-mangostin 10%-40%,  Flavones 5%-95%
Main function: Mangosteen is touted for its antioxidants, especially xanthones (a type of chemical in certain plants). Independent scientific research studies showed that Mangosteen contains more than 40 xanthones - roughly 20% of about 200 xanthones found in nature. The Mangosteen is the single, most abundant source of xanthones known to science. A number of these xanthones were demonstrated in scientific studies to be even more potent antioxidant than vitamins C and E, two of the most powerful antioxidants found in food. They were also shown in scientific and pharmacological studies to possess a variety of immune-system-boosting and healing properties, such as supporting microbiological balance, helping the immune system, improving joint flexibility, and providing mental support. Some proponents claim that it can help diarrhea, infections, tuberculosis, and a host of other illnesses.