Product Main


Product Name          : Resveratrol

CAS    NO             : 501-36-0

Products alias        : Effect yuan Huzhang

Molecular formula     : C14H12O3

Weight                : 228.25

Specifications content: 98%

Detection methods     : HPLC

Products shape        : white crystalline powder

Physical Properties   :  melting point 256℃-257℃, a soluble in ethanol, acetone and other  organic solvents, not soluble in chloroform

Pharmacological effects: Anti-aging and prevent the oxidation of LDL, is a potential prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease (atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease, ischemic heart disease,) role.

Product Source      : Polygonaceae plant from the roots Huzhang

Production Process     : mainly by the extraction, hydrolysis, crystallization processes completed

Save:  cool dry, dark, avoiding high-temperature

Durability date       : 2 years