Features and Benefits:
Corrosion-resistance: will not rust, and are impervious to the action of salt ions, chemicals, and the alkalinity inherent in concrete.
lightweight: weigh approximately one-quarter the weight of an equivalent size steel bar, offering significant savings in both placement and use.
electromagnetic neutrality: contain no metal, and will not interfere with the operation of sensitive electronic devices such as medical MRI units or electronic testing devices.
thermal insulator: highly efficient in resisting heat transfer, such as from building exteriors to interiors.
lightweight: weigh approximately one-quarter the weight of an equivalent size steel bar, offering significant savings in both placement and use.
electromagnetic neutrality: contain no metal, and will not interfere with the operation of sensitive electronic devices such as medical MRI units or electronic testing devices.
thermal insulator: highly efficient in resisting heat transfer, such as from building exteriors to interiors.
Excellent Fatigue Resistance: performs very well in cyclic loading situations
High tensile strenghth: better than steel bar
High bond strength: better than steel bar in concrete