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* Product Specification: Steviosides 80-95%

* Latin Name: Stevia rebaudiana

* Product Type: Fine white powder

* Part of the Plant Used: Stevia leaf

* Extract Method: Grain Alcohol

* Stevia sugar features high sweetness and low calorie and its sweetness is 200-350 times of that of cane sugar but its calorie is only 1/300 of that of cane sugar.

* A large number of pharmaceutical tests have proved that stevia sugar has no side effects, carcinogens, and is safe for eating. Constant use can prevent such illnesses as hypertension, diabetes, obesity, heart disease and carious teeth. It is an extremely ideal sweetener that can replace cane sugar. Stevia can be widely used in such industries as food, beverage, medicine, daily chemicals, brewery and cosmetics. Compared with cane sugar, it can save 70% of the cost. With pure white color, pleasing taste and no peculiar smell, Stevia sugar is a new sugar source with broad perspective for development. Stevia rebaudianum sugar is the natural low-hot sweet agent mostly similar to the flavor of cane sugar, approved to be used by State Ministry of Health and Ministry of Light Industry. It is the third natural succedaneum of cane sugar and beet sugar with development and health care value, extracted from the leaves of the herbal vegetable of the composite family-stevia rebaudianum.

* Features:

1 ) Has high degree of safety. In the origin places such as Paraguay and Brazil, the local residents have eaten it for hundreds of years. Up till now, no toxicity has been found.

2 ) Low calorie. Used for making low-calorie food and beverages and very suitable for consumption by patients of diabetes, obesity and arteriosclerosis.

3) Stevia sugar can be easily dissolved in water and alcohol; when combined with cane sugar, fructose and isomerized sugar, it will have an even better taste.

4) The property of Stevia sugar is non-fermenting and it has stable properties and will not be moldy easily. It won't change in the making of foods and beverages and is easy to store and transport. Constant use can prevent carious teeth.

5) With a taste similar to that of cane sugar, stevia sugar has the special features of cooling and sweetness. It can be used for making flavor foods, sweets, etc., and it can also be used as a taste corrector to curb the peculiar and odd tastes of some foods and drugs and serve as a replacement of cane sugar in pharmaceutics, production of syrups, powder preparation and pills. It can also be used in such products as flavors, preserved vegetables, toothpaste, cosmetics and cigarettes.

6) Economical. The cost of using stevia sugar is only 30%-40% of that of using cane sugar36.