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Health Improving Immune Booster and Anti Ageing


Aloe vera gel contains the most important essential components more than 200 tonic ingredients including essential amino acids, Minerals, Vitamins (A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C & E), 92 enzymes and steroids. A natural vitalizer to remove stress and general debility increases body immunity to fight diseases. Keeps nervous systems Diabetes, Cholesterol off. Type of digestive tract problems under control. Effective in lymphatic systems obstruction. Useful in the treatment of women sterility.

Taste is sweet taste. Stevia is an herbal, natural sweetener. No calories and fat. Diabetes/sugar patients also drink.

Aloe Vera juice is immune booster, anti-fatigue; it helps to cure effective for ulcer, diabetes, asthma, arthritis, obesity, blood pressure, cardiac problems, cholesterol, anti-inflammatory, skin diseases, anti-aging, anti-viral, reduced stress and piles problems.

MAHATMA GANDHI - Father of India, COLUMBUS - First discover the United State of America were drinking Aloe Vera juice for healthy Life.

Organic Aloe Barbedensis and Stevia.

Shelf Life: 2 Years from D.O.M