Product Main


Potassium Citrate (Food Additives)

 Specificity:White crystal or powder;odourIess;taste
 saIty;slightIy deIiquescence;readiIy soIubIe in water or
 gIycerine,aImost insoluble in ethahoI(ReIative density 1.98
 it will meIt and decompose when heated to 230℃.

 Quality standard:

Name of index Bp93


Content,% 99.00-101.0 99.0
Chlorides(cl),≤% 0.005 -
Solphates,≤% 0.15 -
Oxalate,≤% 0.03 -
Heavy metal(As Pb),≤% 0.001 0.001
As,≤% - 0.0003
Sodium base,≤% 0.3 -
Moisture,% 4.0-7.0 -

Accord with the test

Accord with the test

Loss on drying,% - 3.0-6.0
Easy carbonify substance

Accord with the test

 Uses:In food processing industry,it is used as buffer
 cheIate agent,stabilizer,antibiotic oxidizer,emuIsifier,
 fIavor regulator,Used in dairy product,jellies,jam,meat,
 tinned pastry.Used as emuIsifier in cheese and used in
 citrus freshening.In pharmaceuticaI,it is used for
 curing hypokalimia, potassium depletion and aIkaIization
 of urire.
 Packing:It is packed with poIyethylene bag as Iiner and
 a compound pIastic woven bag as the outer Iayer.The net
 weight of each bag is 25kg.
 Storage and transport:Kept in tightIy-closed
 containsrs,it should be stored in a dry and ventiIative
 warehouse,kept away from moistrue and hot,furthermore,it
 shuoId be sctored separateIy from poisonous substances.
 HandIed with care,so as to avoid damage to bags