Chain Link Boundary Fence made by HESLY FENCING SYSTEM
Information of Chain Link Boundary Fence
It is normal practice when using a fence to mark a boundary to place the outer face of the fence along the boundary, so that the posts stand on the land of the of the fence's owner.
There is an enormous variety of styles of fence, and the positionining of the fence relative to the boundary will depend on the style.
post & wire fence: if the posts are of metal or concrete then it is usual for the outer face of the post to be placed against the boundary and for the wires to be threaded through the centre of the posts;
post & wire fence: if the posts are round timber then it is usual for the outer face of the post to be placed against the boundary and for the wires to be stapled to the outer face of the wooden post;
with wooden panel fences and close board fences where the panels/boards are wholly contained between the fence posts, it is usual to place the outer face of the posts to be placed against the boundary;
some close board fences have flat rails attached to the face of the posts and the boards attached to the face of the flat rails: in this case it is usually the outer face of the boards that is placed against the boundary.
If the description of the boundaries in the parcels clause of the conveyance, or on the conveyance plan or transfer plan, is so poor that you have difficulty in interpreting the boundary's position on the ground then it is tempting to use the position of the fence as an indicator of the true position of the boundary. If you are confident that you are dealing with the same fence that was in place at the time of the original conveyance, or at least with a fence more than twelve years old, then you could fall back on the self evident truth that the boundary follows the outer face of the fence, but this is not necessarily conclusive.