Product Main


Which capture moving objects’ action and produce closely integrated interaction between participants and projections.
1. Signals receiver: catch shooting according to the demand, the video equipment
must be high-quality cameras;
2. Core control software: analyzing the updating data, the program is built in the
computer system;
3. Imaging: present the images in a specific place by using projector or other
imaging equipment. In addition to projector, plasma displays, LCD displays,
rear projection screen can be used as interactive image carriers.
4. Auxiliary equipment: such as transmission lines, installation components,
audio devices, Infrared lights and so on.
Requirements for the environment:
No disturbing IR light, irreflexive floor needed.
There is no physical contact between participants and devices. The interactive
system has a good durability, simple maintenance.
Application scenarios:
1. Shop, window show, airport, bank, and other crowded place for publishing and
2. Entertainment occasion, bar, KTV, DISCO, dining-hall to intensify the
3. Exhibition halls
System maintenance:
1. Inspect capturing equipment regularly including powers, location changes, and
equipment cleanliness and so on;
2. The projector's cooling and cleaning system.