Product Main


Dielectric: polypropylene film
Aluminum Round & Oval  can
Oil type
Self-heating properties
Low dissipation factor
Explosion proof device
Highest safety level P2 safety class to IEC 60252-1
High insulation resistance
Typical applications
For general sine wave applications, mainly as motor run capacitor, air connditioner
Fast on

Mounting parts (optional)
Threaded stud at bottom of can (M8, max.torque=5 Nm)
Technical data and specifications
 Reference standards
 IEC 60252-1
 Safety class according IEC 60252-1
 Life expectancy to IEC 60252-1
 3,000 h( C)~10,000 h(B)
 Rated capacitance CR
 1 μF~120 μF
 Rated voltage VR
 Rated frequency FR
Maximum ratings
 Maximum permissible votage Vmax
 1.1*VR (VR=Rated voltage)
 Maximum permissible current Imax
1.3*IR (IR=Rated current)
Test data
 AC test voltage terminal to terminal VTT
 2*VR, 2s (routine test)
 2*VR, 60s (type test)
 Insulation voltage terminals to case
 1.75*VR 2s (type test)
 1.75*VR 60s (routine test)
 Dissipation factor tan d  <=0.002 (50Hz)

Climatic data
 Climatic category
 25/085/21 to IEC 60068-1 
 Lower category Tmin
 -25 Centigrade
 Upper category Tmax
 85 Centigrade
 Damp heat test Ttest
 21 days