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Product Specification: 8%, 20%, 40% Isoflavones
Latin Name  :   Trifolium pretense L
Product Type:Heavy Brown Powdered Extract
Part of the Plant Used : Flower
Extract Method: Grain Alcohol

What is Red Clover Extract?
Red Clover contains isoflavine compounds that theoretically could help prevent certain types of cancer, including breast and prostate cancer. However, an actual protective action in humans remains to be demonstrated. In the meantime, Red Clover is valued for its ability to loosen phlegm and calm bronchial spasms. A small perennial herb with fleshy red or white flowers, it is native to Europe, central Asia, and northern Africa, and is naturalized in many other parts of the world. For medicinal purposes, only the flowers are used..
Where will be Red Clover Extract use to ?
Eczema, boils, acne.
Herbal Extracts and Ingredients product list :
1 5-HTP   Griffonia Seed  50-99% 5-Hydroxyiryninphan (HPLC)
2 Adenophora Extract  10:1
3 Agrimory Extract  12:1
4 Aiye Leaf Extract  4:1
5 Akebia Caulis Extract  10:1
6 Alfalfa Extract  5% Total Flavonoids (UV-VIS)
7 Alisma Extract  20:1,10:1,4:1
8 Almond Extract  4:1
9 Aloe Vera Extract  100:1,NF11
10 Althaea Rosae Root  Extract  7:1
11 Anemarhenae Asphodeliodes Extract  4:1
12 Andrographis Paniculate Extract  4-5% Andrographolide (HPLC)
13 Angelica Extract  1% Ligustilides (HPLC - USA Methods )
14 Angelicae Pubescentis Extract  4:1
15 Asari/Wild Ginger  Extract  10:1,4:1
16 Asparagus Root Extract  5% Asparagosides (HPLC),10:1,4:1
17 Astragalus / Bay Chi Extract  0.2-0.4% Flavone & 16% Polysacchrides
18 Barley Grass Juice Extract  20:1
19 Barley Grass Powder   Powder
20 Bamboo leaves extract  8-24%Flavones & 2-10% lactones
21 Banaba Leaf Extract  1%-10% Corosolic Acid
22 Bilberry Extract  15-25% Anthocyanidins (UV)
23 Bitter Melon  Extract  30:1, 60:1,10% Charantin
24 Bitter Sophora Root Extract  90% Matrine (HPLC),5:1
25 Black Bean Peel Extract  15:1 (1% Antho-)
26 Black Cohosh Extract  2.5-5% Triterpene glycosides (HPLC)
27 Black Tea Extract  30-60% Polyphenols (China UV-VIS)
28 Boewellia Sorrata Extract  60% Boewellie Acids
29 Bupleurum Extract  5% Bupleurum saikosaponins (UV-VIS),5:1
30 Burdock Root Extract  4:1
31 Burdock Seed Extract  40% Arctiin & Arctigenin,4:1
32 Carrot Juice  20:1   (1% beta-carrot )
33 Cascara Sagrada Extract   4:1
34 Cassia Nomame Extract  8-60% Dimer Flavan (UV-VIS)
35 Cassia Tora / Juemingzi Extract  10:1
36 Cat Nut Extract  4:1,8:1
37 Cat’s Claw Extract  3-15% Alkaloids (HPLC)
38 Caulis Spatholobi Extract  20:1
39 Celandine Extract  2% Chelldonine (HPLC),4:1,10:1
40 Chasteberry Extract  5% Vitexin (HPLC) / 15:1,4:1,10:1

Welcome to contact me if you have any question
Danny Liao
Changsha Nutramax Inc.