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Latin name: Echinacea purpurea
English Name: Echinacea purpurea
Section: Asteraceae
Are: echinacea is
The use of parts: whole plant
Echinacea purpurea plains Indian tribes are the most widely used medicinal plants, are generally used for colds, toothache, snakebite and other trauma. Over the years the application of indigenous American as to enhance the immune system and blood-money alternative medicine, especially in the seasonal variation of many cough and cold season. At 1887, the introduction of its comprehensive treatment system in the United States and spread of syphilis from a cold to a variety of diseases. The modern study of herbs begin in Germany in the 30's.
Echinacea purpurea The main active ingredient, polyphenol, caffeic acid derivatives and polysaccharides have the following features:
1. To stimulate the immune system
Echinacea purpurea extract shown to stimulate the immune system cells (macrophages, natural killer cells, T-cells) growth and the ability of cell activity. The use of Echinacea for treatment of infection led to a marked increase in the immune response (via immunoglobulin response assessment). In vitro experiments, on the cellular immunity studies have noted a large number of macrophages by Echinacea purpurea extract stimulated significantly higher levels of interleukin-(IL-1, TNF-alpha, IL-6 and IL-10) stimulate T-cell replication, as well as natural killer cell activity, as well as macrophages and neutrophils quantity. Other proof such as the cycle of upgrading neutrophil levels, improved leukocyte phagocytic role and assist antibody binding also has been reported.
2. The prevention of infection
Echinacea may also increase the synthesis of interferon, which is the body's response to viral infection an important component of the system. Individual double-blind experiments confirm the Echinacea treatment of colds and flu treatment. For other types of infections, the study conducted in Germany using the injection or oral administration of herbal products to reduce the repeated vaginal yeast infections. At least 12 cases of clinical research are indications that Echinacea can be effective for treatment or prevention of respiratory tract infection (URTIs). In many cases, the use of Echinacea purpurea extract of inspection and the placebo group, the common cold and influenza symptoms 1-4 days in advance to eliminate. AIDS and chronic fatigue syndrome in patients taking Echinacea purpurea extract, showing that after the relief of symptoms. Echinacea purpurea on the bacterial and viral infections are possible preventive effect of lead on the immune system stimulation and direct inhibition of reasons.
When the direct use, the extract of Echinacea purpurea are not toxic or very weak. Conservation of pregnancy or women should be in the use of health prior to the consultative physician. Patients with kidney disease should be restrictions on the use of time in a week (up to).
Cold or flu at the beginning of the ,3-4ml Echinacea products or 300ml of liquid capsules or tablets made from powdered drugs, in the event of sickness the first day of taking two hours each time, after 7-10 days with 3 times every day.
Chemical composition:
The product mainly by the chrysanthemum acid composition, chemical structure is as follows:
Choric acid C22H18O12