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Please read the directions carefully and take the medicine in accordance with description or purchase and take this medicine under the guidance of doctor. 
    Ingredients:  Sanchi, Yanhusuo Rhizoma, common Fennel Fruit, Trogopterus Dung, Szechuan Lovage Rhizome, Borneol, Cattail Pollen, Common Vladimiria Root
    Fuction Sort:   OTC drugs for the treatment of dysmenorrhea.
    Indications:  Health product designed to treat dysmenorrhea and emmeniopathy caused by colds.
    Dosage and Administration:   Oral take.  3-5capsules each time, 3 times daily during menstrual peirod or 5 days before that and continue to take it 3-5 capsules each time, 2-3 times daily after the period.  
     1.  Avoid eating anything raw or cold during the menstrual period, taking cool bath is also not suiable.  
     2.  Not applicable for those people with dysmenorrhea due to qi and blood lackness which present itself as secret anguish in the lower abdomen during menstrual periods or after the periods, less volume or over  of menses with dim color, accompanying with symptoms of heartthrob and breathe hardness, swirl and dim eyesight.    
     3.  Those people with dysmenorrhea accompanied by menstrual disorders or other diseases should take this medicine under guidance of doctor.   
     4.  In case of no relief of dysmenorrhea after taking this medicine or those people with heavy degree dysmenorrhea, should go to hospital for treatment.    
     5. Take this medicine 5 days before menses or during the period and continue to take it after menses, those women who have requirment of give birth without contraception control are recommended to take this medicine from the date of menses till the day when dysmenorrhea is relieved.    
     6.  Please take this medicine in accordance with usage and dosage and ask for doctor s advice in case of excessive dosage or long period of use.     
     7.  It has Trogopterus Dung contained in this preparation, so it is prohibited to use with ginseng at the same time.    
     8.  The medicine which property has changed is prohibited to take.     
     9.  Please keep this medicine out of touch of children.
    10. Please ask for doctor s advice in advance if you are taking other medicines at the same time.     
    Specifications:  0.4g/capsule, 10 capsules/plank  
    Storage:   Place in air proof condition
    Packing:  Aluminium foil packet  
    Valid Period:   24 months
    Approval Code:   GYZZ Z53020806