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Product Directions: OTC Class A
Please read the directions carefully and take the medicine in accordance with description or purchase and take this medicine under the guidance of doctor.
Main Ingredients: Rhubarb, Baical Skullcap Root, Cape Jasmine Fruit, Amur Corktree Bark
Function Sort: OTC drug for the treatment of inflammation
Property: Film-coated tablet with adjuvant material of starch, appearing in color of brown after removing the coat and bitter in taste
Indications: Health product designed to relieve inflammation and alleviate fever, commonly in connection with pharyngitis.
Usage and Dosage: Oral take, 8 tablets each time, 1-2 time(s) daily.
Contraindications: Those women in pregnancy are prohibited to use.
1. No smoking and wine drinking, avoid eating anything peppery and greasy.
2. Those people with serious chronic diseases such as heart disease, liver disease, diabetes, nephropaty, should follow doctor s advice to take this medicine.
3. Reducing the dosage in case of 2-3 times stool excretion per day, stopping taking this medicine and ask for doctor s advice in case of over 3 times.
4. Those people whose symptoms have not been relieved or even heavier 3 days after taking this medicine should stop taking and go to hospital.
5. Attention should be paid by children, old people in weak health and those people with spleen and kidney weakness, and follow doctor s advice in advance.
6. Those people who are allergic to this medicine are prohibited to take, attention should be paid by those people with allergic constitution.
7. The medicine which property has changed is prohibited to take.
8. Children should take this medicine under the custody of adult.
9. Please keep it out of touch of children.
10. Please ask for doctor s advice in advance if you are taking other medicines at the same time.
Specifications: 0. 36g/tablet , 12 tablets×2 planks/box
Storage: Place in air proof, cool and dry conditions
Packing: Aluminum-plastic inner packet; paper outer packet.
Valid period: Tentatively fixed at 24 months
Approval Code: GYZZ Z20044422