Product Main


Dentist unit:
Large Movable Independence tray,
Convenient plate the instrument holder,
Elegant table design
Simply design for easy cleaning
4-Hole instrument hose (3 pcs)
3-way syringe (water/air) Autoclavable
Ultrasonic scaler
Electronic control panel for chair movement and whole unit operatios
Valve to Prevent Backflow of water
DC(low voltage)  X-Ray film viewer
Air pressure gauge
3 position storage
Ceramic cuspidor can turn to the position in front of the patient, and no need for the patient to move.
Automatic cup filler
Automatic bowel cleaning
Warming water system
Light Unit
Big and new look
Easy adjustable movable head light
Halogen lamp, cool light and shadow less
Removable Handle with touch less switch control
Removable arm 360*
Assistant’s Unit
High surgical suction
Low surgical suction
3-way syringe (water/air) Autoclavable
Light cure (option)
Arm Rest:
Simply designed armrest provide an easy access to chair without any hindrance and optimal support and comfort for patient during the operation