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Fu AU e-mail management software features
  Foreign trade sector with the biggest difference between traditional industries is the "product-centric" gradually transformed into "customer-centric", it can be said is tantamount to grasp hold customers to develop the lifeblood of the enterprise, how to manage and service customers better? The process of development as customers develop new products or projects, how to manage the process? How effectively the development of new customers? How to maximize resources to ensure the safety of customers, whether as a foreign trade enterprise development by leaps and bounds to win the key to the future. This also reflects the main features of foreign trade sector: the diversification of forms of trade, diversification of business processes, the diversification of product mix, product development complexity, cost, etc. difficult.
 AU software Fu (FUMASOFT) dedicated to the foreign trade enterprise management software product development and sales of more than six years, with leading technology, excellent products, good services and a full range of marketing, has become the most powerful integrated national foreign trade, one of enterprise management software provider.
Fu TradeMail AU software company is specific to the industry trade mail pressing need to strengthen management and customer resource management requirements for the professional development of foreign trade enterprises of the e-mail management system. TradeMail introduced from 2002, now there are thousands of customers in the use of, and continuously introduce new versions of established TradeMail counterparts in the domestic leading position.
 System Advantages System Features
System Advantages System Features
 * FUMA TradeMail system compared with other mail systems, the main advantages are as follows
* network software, e-mail data storage, handling, protection of client resources, to avoid risks
* E-mail to customers as the core resource management to address the foreign trade enterprises are most concerned about
* efficient supervision and management and leadership e-mail inquiry
* strict examination and approval authority and at all levels of management functions
* intelligent business processing, mail management, automatic distribution, easy to manage records of business contacts
* simple and fast remote access, remote office would greatly facilitate
* integrated customer resource management functionality, business data analysis, insight into the business dynamics
* powerful document management company, security, sharing, remote on-line to read and modify
* multi-view model, business alerts, and promote the efficiency of sales
* super-client mail handling features, a comprehensive system compatibility
* overall AU-fu, and serialized product line to meet the evolving needs of customers