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SS Engineers Precision engineering for rapid milk temperature reduction.Milk is one of the most important products for human consumption. Its high quality is vital, and cooling is one of the most efficient and effective ways to maintain milk's freshness. The demand on milk producers is to produce milk with a composition that meets the needs of consumers.Better milk quality with pre-cooling (Instant cooling) Today, farms are becoming larger and larger, meaning more work,  more bcows and more milk and less time between milkings. This process provides farmers with potential cooling problems, because all the milk has to be cooled and stored. The sheer quantity of milk, combined with high milk flows and longer milking periods, makes it more difficult for conventional bulk tanks to cope. SS Engineers PHEs consist of number of corrugated imported plates of SS 316 mounted between fixed and moveable pressure plates. These are positioned by upper and lower carrying bars and compressed by several  tightening bolts. ThesePlate type Heat Exchangers can be used for liquid semi-liquid kind of products with low, medium viscosity having medium temprature .