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Introduction of Areated Concrete Brick ( or say Foam Block )
1. Introduction Areated concrete brick ( or say Foam Block , abbreviate as (ACB) ) is the light and porous buidling material. It has light weight , keeping temperature, can%t burn and other advantages . It can be made into many kinds of bricks (for example : 600×200×100, 80×80×180 , 240×115×53, 600×200×125 ) ,it could be used industry building and common building . It is more and more popular in the world construction field . In the future it may be replace the Clay brick completely .
2.Areated concrete common conception Common concrete density is usually 1600-2400kg/m3, but Areated concrete are 500Kg/M3 ,600kg/m3,700kg/m3. It mainly use silicon material (for example: coal ash , sand , stone dust and others ) ,through making the material small for example sand,they can be used directly if has enough degree of small (for example coal ash.Mixing calcium material, lime ,cement, and water together, then add the aluminum dust and the other additive. The aluminum dust and the above materials will have a Chemical reaction . Then it will produce Hydrogen to make the concrete slop expanding (or swell) and form some foam inside . Next , to put them into the pressured steam room . Last , there will bacome the light brick ( or say foam block ). The final products has the porous rate is about 70-80%.
3. Advantages of ACB Products :
A. Light weight Areated concrete density is usually 400-700kg/m3,it is about 1/3 of the clay brick weight and 1/5 common concrete block weight . Using the Light brick can reduce the weight of the build and also reduce the loading of the beam of roof and pillar . You can see ,it can save the material and cost ,it also fighting against shaking .
B. Keeping temperature It has many porous ,the heat transmition coefficient is 0.9-0.22W/(mk), it is just about 1/4 or 1/5 of clay brick ,so it is the best materials for keep the room temperature now in the world .
C. There are many kind material even waste material can produce the ACB products , for example : coal ash ,sand, waste mine material ,coal stone,stone dust, and other silicon materials .
D. Save the land and energy When you produc ACB products it use the energy ( or fuel ) just 11% of the clay brick products.
E. The ACB Products has one usefull advantage is the (Plasticity). As it is has more foam Inside and weight is lighter and not so hard so it is easy to be produced in every kind shapes and when it be re-assemble or re-production it will be more suitable for sawing , paring, drilling, and clinch (clench ).
F. Sales Profit : ACB Products market profit it good then common brick and cement blocks, especially the ACB Board products ( Plate shape ACB Products ).