Product Main


1. Highly specific biotin - avidin binding reaction system because of its high affinity and showed a high degree of specificity, biotin, avidin, once the separation is difficult to combine such a high degree of specificity, stability, integration, so that reaction reagent can withstand a high degree of dilution, which can significantly reduce or avoid a possible response to the role of non-specific.

2. A high degree of sensitivity by avidin-binding site 4 multivalent biotin bridging the reactants and markers. In addition, biotinylated macromolecular proteins, nucleic acids, enzymes not only to maintain its active substances are not affected, but also due to the formation of biotinylated many "tentacles" of the multi-price agents, so that the whole reaction system, multi-stage amplification, which confer high BAS sensitivity.

3. Simple, fast, secure, stable, BAS's high degree of specificity and sensitivity to the reaction system in a minimal amount of applications, the low cost. Response procedures in the few hours that is completed and the results are easy to observe. Biotin-labeled reagent can be stored at 4 º Cfor two years and the same titer.

4. BAS can be widely used with a variety of marking systems such as enzyme, fluorescein, ferritin, lectin, SPA, a joint for radionuclides such as antigens, antibodies, proteins, hormones, receptors, nucleic acid systems and other biological reaction system, can also be used as affinity medium for the above-mentioned reaction system in response to various types of Isolation, purification. In recent years, the study, biotin-avidin system can be homogeneous enzyme immunoassay test as a highly efficient activity in the modulation system and a new type of marker of biological immune sensor system, therefore, BAS has a wide range of potential research and application. Our application development through long-term, are now able to provide a wide range of used biotin labeled reagent. And can be marked on his behalf. (At the same time can also be designed and manufactured according to customer requirements for biotin-labeled)

The company also long-term supply the following products:
Avidin-magnetic beads
Biotin-labeled service