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Molecular Formula: C5H13C12N

Appearance: technical product is white or light yellow powder, drawing in moist easily, can dissolve in water easily, difficult to dissolve in organic solvents, decomposing with alkali. It is effective in long-term storage with active ingredients stable.
Chlormequat chloride is a low poisonous plant growth regulator (PGR). It can be absorbed through leaves, branches, buds, the root system and seeds, control the plant excessive growth and cut down the knot of plant to be short, strong, coarse, root system to prosper and resist lodging. Leaves will be greener and thicker. The content of chlorophyll will increase and the photosynthesis will reinforce, which can improve the ratio of set fruit with better quality and higher yield. This product can also improve the plant ability to the environment-adjustment, such as drought-resistance, frigidity-resistance, disease and pests-resistance and salinization-resistance . It can be used as the additives in fertilizers such as water flush fertilizer, folia fertilizer, root fertilizer and so on, to raise the absorption to the nutrition and the plant growth.