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We are the professional manufacturer in this field with more than 10 years history and accumulated rich experience. Now our air flow meters fit most of the world famous brands automobiles, such as Opel, Volkswagen, Ford, BMW, Peugeot, Nissan Toyota, Honda, Suzuki , Hyundi, ect.
We have the ability to develop the air flow meters according to your requirement. So if any kinds you need, please don't hesitate to contact us! We are always ready to at your service!
The OEM catalogue of air flow meter that we have produced are as follows:
22680-6N200, 22680-6N201, 22680-7J600, 0280218005, 22680-5U400, 0280218094, 22680-AA301, 16119-1F700, 16119-1F710, 22680-AA190, 22680-5M301, 22680-5M300, 0280218025, 22680-6N210, 22680-6N100, 22680-7J500, A36-000A72, 22680-6N101, A36-00A73, 22680-8J000, 22680-4W000, 22680-AM600, 22680-2Y001, 0280218096, 22680-7F400, 0218002207, 0280217121, 0281002217, 0280218014, 0280218064, 0280218061, 0280218003, 0280218033, 0280218035, 0281002430, 071906461B, 0280217530, 0928400314, 13627566986, 7566986, 1433567, 1433565, 1736224, 0986280202, 722684080, 028906461, A6110940048, 722684070, 6110940048, 22680-5M000, 22680-4W001, 0218002176, 722684000, 0280218132, 0280218463, 0986284005, 464649280, 60810813, 46407008, 46469917, 46533308, 46447503, 46541253, 60814852, 46411675, 46559804, 13621736224, 13621433567, 13621433565, 13621438687, 13412247592, 13712247002, 13627787076, 13622247074, 0280217100, 0280217106, 0280217107, 0280217111, 0280217123, 0280217124, 0280217500, 0280217122, 0986280204, 0280217529, 0280217810, 0280217814, 0280218002, 0280218004, 0280218012, 0280218013, 0280218017, 0986280208, 0280218019, 0280217102, 0280217103, 0280217110, 0280217114, 0280217117, 0280217515, 0280217517, 0280218001, 0986280205, 0986280206, 0280218031, 0280218032, 0280218034, 0986280216, 0280218063, 0280218075, 0281002216, 0281002309, 0281002428, 0281002478, 0928400527, 0280218027, 0986280210, 0986280211, 0280218060, 0986280217, 0280218108, 0280218111, 0281002120, 0281002139, 0281002144, 0281002180, 0986284001, 0281002308, 0281002429, 0986284005, 0281002224, 0281002461, 0986284007, 0986284008, 0281002463, 0928400520, 171707, 464649280, 60588419, 7763718, 46407008, 46469917, 46533308, 60814852, 46541253, 60810813, 4655982, 46447503, 46411675, 6081644, 60816137, 46559804, 55193048, 95VW12B529BB, 16400PDDX00, 16400P5TG00, 2816422051, 2816422060, 2816422610, 2816438210, 2816438200, 2816438210, 0281002585, 464649280, 60588419, 46407008, 60810813, 46469917, 60814852, 46447503, 46541253, 7763718, 46533308, 46411675, 46559804, 0000940948, 1120940048, 0000941048, 0000940548, 1130940048, 22680-AD200, 22680-AD201, 836567, 90448964, 90510154, 90543282, 90529673, 90540931, 91153783, 93171356, 9193149, 9227760, 90528254, 93171356, 90530767, 90543463, 836592, 93171355, 24414665, 9195729, 7403507697, 7700100572, MHK000230, MHK101070, MHK100360, MHK101130, 037906461, 037906461A, 037906461C, 06A906461, 06A906461A, 06B133471, 071906461A, 0280218018, 059906461A, 074906461B, 038906461, 06A906461D, 06A906461E, 06A906461G, 06A906461L, 028906461, 059906461E, 1275749, 3507697, 8670112, 8670263, 22680-7F425, A36-000K03, 72268408, 06A906461, 028906461, 0000942048, 2E0906461