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KN—601D patient monitor
8 inch (16:9) wide screen, TFT display, small volume and light weight   
Real-time display ECG, SPO2, Respiration waves, digitally display HR/Pulse, double-temperature, resp, SPO2, NIBP
3 monitor modes: diagnose, monitoring and operation  
2 NIBP measurements by manual or cycle, suitable for adults, enfant and neonate
All lead unit, 2 channel ECG waveforms, 20 arrhythmia waveforms can analyze and store automatically.
All data trend chart for convenient to doctors
Inner recorder is optional
Anti-defibrillation and high frequency electrosurgical .detect heart pace-maker
AC/DC, Li-ion battery can work more than 4 hours
3 fixed modes: bottom bracket, backside bracket and hanging handle