Product Main


Appearance: White, odorless granular or crystalline powder. It is soluble in alcohol, slightly soluble in water and in ether, and very slightly soluble in chloroform

Application: Used as an acidulant, Fumaric acid has bacteriostatic and antiseptic function. It also can be used as acidity regulator, acidifier, thermal-oxidative resist auxiliary, curing accelerant and spice.Used as acidic substance of effervescent agent, it can produce extended and exquisite bubbles.Fumaric acid can be used as pharmaceutical intermediate and optical bleaching agent. In pharmaceutical industry, it is used to produce alexipharmic sodium dimercaptosuccinate and ferrous fumarate. Fumaric acid is also used in manufacturing unsaturated polyester resin

Storage: Kept in a light-proof, well-closed, dry and cool place

Food grade fumaric acid
Item                        Standard                         Analysis Results
Appearance             White Fine Powder          White Fine powder
Purity                      ≥99.0%                          99.5%
Arsenic(As)             ≤3PPM                          <3PPM
Heavy metals(Pb)    ≤10PPM                          <10PPM
Combustion Residue≤0.1%                              0.1%
Water                     ≤0.4%                              0.34%
Molten color            ≤15                                  15
Melting Point          286-289                              286
pH                         2.8-3.0                                2.9
Conclusion             Superior Grade