Product Main


Aluminum Nitride powder
1. The characteristic of Aluminum Nitride:
High thermal conductivity - About 10 times that of alumina, up to 220 W. These devices have high hardness, high modulus, very high dielectric properties, good oxidation-resistant property and low-thermal expansion efficient, which is approximate to that of Silicon . When the ALN powers is used to make composites its interface compatibleness is good . It can improve mechanical properties, thermal conductance and dielectric properties of composites .
2. Typical Property of AlN powder:

Product Name

Aluminum nitride

Purity, %

99. 0

Oxygen Content, %

0. 8

Specific Surface Area, m2/g

13. 894

Loose loading density

0. 13g/cm3

Crystal Form




Aaverage particle size

0. 5um

C Content %

0. 10

Fe Content%

0. 04

Si Content%

0. 01



Oxygen content

Crystallographic form

Average particle size

Specific surface area

Apparent density



Aluminium nitride (AlN)

> 99. 0%

< 0. 8%


0. 5um

> 9. 2m2/g

0. 26g/cm3

3. 26g/cm3


  3. Applications of Aluminum Nitride:
Circuit substrates ouch as f semiconductor modules and IC packages Heat sink materials for power transistors, thyristors, LDs and LEDs
Crucibles for molten metals, vacuum deposition and preparing single crystals
Window materials for infrared and radar applications
Electronic parts where electrical insulation and heat dissipation are required
Special refractory parts sprotective tubes
A wide range of industrial and structural products