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Dione 1050
The New Automatic Die-Cutting Press
Technical Specifications
Processed Material
Paper Thickness 0.2 - 1.5 mm
Corrugated Max. Thickness 3 mm
Maximum Sheet Size 1, 050x750 mm
Minimum Sheet Size 450x350 mm

Standard Gripper Margin 10 mm
Max. Sheet Size With Front Waiste 1, 040x740 mm
Standard Height Cutting Rules 23.8 mm

Maximum Operational Pressure 250 Tons
Air Pressure Required 0.5<P<0.8 MP
Maximum Speed 5, 500 Sheets/Hour

Pile Height
Feeder (Maximum) 1, 036 mm
Delivery (Maximum) 850 mm

General Sizes
Total Length 5, 716 mm
Total Width 3, 916 mm
Total Height 2, 163 mm
Total Weight 19 Tons
Total Power Installed 27 Kw

It has a quick setup. Its feeding system direct from the pallet allows a better sheets alignment and time savings, getting better results and reducing costs. Its double sheet detector with emergency stop system avoids double feeding to the register table.

It has 6 belts and a set of brushes that ensure a perfect delivery to the front lays. The front lays are independent adjustable and equipped with feelers that guarantee a perfect register. The side register guides are easily adjustable to different sizes and thicknesses. Both are electronically controlled to ensure every sheet is well aligned before entering the press section.

Made with long life and vibration-free materials. It develops 250 tons of maximum pressure, perfectly adjustable with a precision hand wheel. Rotating arms allow an easy upper frame and lower plate extraction reducing make-ready time. The machine can be stopped in the exact chase extraction position automatically.

It extracts the waste through a pin system. It is made with removable frames equipped with cross-bars and pins. A quick fixation system allows the operator to minimize the make-ready time.