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[Chemical name]:   Polymyxin B sulfate (aerosporin) EP6 Nonsterile
[CAS NO.]: 1405-20-5
[Description]:  white crystalline powder.
[Function]: To reduce the development of drug-resistant bacteria and maintain the effectiveness of polymyxin B and other antibacterial drugs, polymyxin B should be used only to treat or prevent infections that are proven or strongly suspected to be caused by bacteria.
Polymyxin B sulfate is the sulfate salt of Polymyxins B1 and B2, which are produced by the growth of Bacillus polymyxa (Prazmowski) Migula (Fam. Bacillacea). It has a potency of not less than 6500 polymyxin B units per mg, calculated on the anhydrous basis. Polymyxin B sulfate has a bactericidal action against almost all gram-negative bacilli except the Proteus group.
Polymyxin B sulfate is a drug of choice in the treatment of infections of the urinary tract, meninges, and bloodstream caused by susceptible strains of Ps. aeruginosa. It may also be used topically and subconjunctivally in the treatment of infections of the eye caused by susceptible strains of Ps. aeruginosa.
[Packing]: 1kg/tin;5kg/tin;10kg/tin.