1.Weight of the main machine: 28kg
2.Overall dimension: 760×320× 245mm
3.Type of engine:single cylinder,air cooled two strokes
4.Cylinder Diameter×Stroke of piston:58× 70mm
5. Rotating speed of engine: ≦ 2200r/min
6.Displacement of englne plston: 185cm 3
7.Type of carburetor: hand needle valve,no floating type
8.Ignition system: Controllable silicon contactless system
9. Drilling speed:(mean value of five holes) 2700-3000r/min
10. Max. drilling depth: ≥ 6m
11.Max. elevation angle of drilling:45°
12.Fuel consumption: ≦ 0.131 /m
13.Tank capacity:≥ 1.65L
14. Mixing ratio of gasoline and lubrication oil (in volumes):12:1
15. End of drill rod dimensions: hexagonal 22× 108mm
16. Rotating speed of drill rod:≥200r/min
17. Clearance of Spark plug :0.5 -0.6mm
18.Shock energy: ≥ 20J |