Product Main


-  Natural diamond power, very sharp
-   Advanced coat technology
-   Top-grade stainless steel
-   High precision dimension and shapes
-   More than 300 different shapes

-    Color Coding:
Color code indication at the end of working part is according to the size of diamond grit conforming to the ISO standards:
I      Green: Coarse/125-150μ
II     Blue: Standard/106-125μ
III    Red: Fine/53-63μ
IV    Yellow: Extra Fine/20-300μ
-   Classification:
■TF/Taper Flat End  ■TR/Taper Round End  ■TC/Taper Conical End
■FO/Flame Ogival End  ■SF/Straight Flat End  ■SO/Straight Ogival End  ■RS/Round Shoulder  EX/Extra Shape  ■BR/Ball Round Type 
■BC/Ball Collar Type  ■DI/Double Inverted Cone  ■SI/Single Inverted Cone  ■WR/Wheel Round Edge  ■CR/CR Inlay Preparation Burs  ■CD/Children's Dentistry Burs ■S/Short Shank  ■SS/Super Short Shank  ■C/Coarse  F/Fine  ■EF/Extra Fine
-  High Quality Control
All the inspection is performed with laser measurement machine, cutting test and strength test.