Gaia Solar Power Lights systems provide unmatched convenience, reliability and efficiency. Each Gaia Solar Power Light has its own “power plant” – so you don’t depend on far away generating stations, transmission lines, substations, switches and transformers. Since each solar electric light operates autonomously, every light is programmed through its own control system, to turn on and off as needed. And, in the unlikely event that an individual solar power light fails, no other lights are affected. Solar systems outperform traditional wired systems hands-down. In a solar installation, initial costs incur for the self-contained energy collection and storage system. But after that, the energy itself is free! When compared to the traditional system’s cost for cable, trenching, metering equipment and construction – plus electric bills continuing forever – the solar system’s advantages can be dramatic and immediate.
1. No trenching, no metering, no wiring
2. Cost savings from day one due to ease of installation
3. People feel safer when areas are illuminated
4. Can be installed in the most remote locations
5. No cost for daily operation
6. Free energy once installed – no electric bills.
7. Not connected to grid power – will work even when electric power is out
8. Will turn on even after cloudy days