Double-sided tape is a variety of adhesive tape that is coated with adhesive on both sides.
It is designed to stick two lightweight surfaces together.
Double sided tape is often more effective with sticking objects, such as paper, cardboard, and arts and crafts together than regular tape is. Also, double sided tape usually is not visible in the end product, due to it actually being in between the objects rather than overlaying them.
Double sided tape is often more effective with sticking objects, such as paper, cardboard, and arts and crafts together than regular tape is. Also, double sided tape usually is not visible in the end product, due to it actually being in between the objects rather than overlaying them.
This allows for neater looking projects and better craftsmanship. Also, double-sided tape is a highly effective grip for objects, such as the handle of a hammer, or the steering wheel of a car.
This prevents the object from sliding in your hands, which could ultimately lead to possible injuries.
Also, specially designed double-sided tape can be bought to secure clothing which is in risk of slipping down, such as strapless dresses or loose skirts, and as a temporary fix for fallen hems and other clothing imperfections.
This tape is usually designed to peel away without leaving any gummy residue behind.