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 Cordyceps is a plant cum animal known as caterpillar fungus known as caterpillar fungus. A 5-8cm long club shaped mushroom comes out from the anterior end of caterpillar during April to June in high altitude between 3500-45000m. It is a fungus parasitized in the larva of Hepialus armoricanus (a months)
We can use whole plant with insects.
Mainly use: it has ability to tonify lungs and kidneys. It is also use to treat chronic cough and asthma. It is useful in spontaneous sweating weakness after a long illness and impotency.
 The trade of cordyceps increasing and it has been regarted as an expensive life saving tonic. Headache, toothache or any other disease for cordyceps is the remedy. And not only is that it also believed to be a cure for sexual impotency- so it's called Himalayan herbal Viagra or Natural Viagra.
Every year May & June, thousand of villagers from remote areas risking their own life’s head for high mountains to collect cordyceps.
===============Medical use of cordyceps: ==================
Cordyceps is a rare species of plant widely use both in scientific medicine and as a household remedy.
I)                    Cordyceps considered potent at strengthening lung and kidneys, increasing energy and vitality, stopping hemorrhage, decreasing phlegm.
II)                  Cordyceps has traditionally been used for impotence, backache, to increase sperm production and to increase blood production.
III)                Cordyceps used specifically for excess tiredness, chronic cough and asthma, importance debility, anemia, to build the bone marrow.
IV)                Cordyceps taken for shortness of breath, asthma, emanation, tenderness of loins and knees, dizziness and tinnitus.
V)                  Also use for strength the immune system of tumor patients who have received radiotherapy, chemotherapy of operation etc. we can use for possibly will ness dizzies.
VI)              Then its can also useful for Natural Viagra.