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Ingredient: Chlorella is a genus of unicellular green algae belonging to the Phylum Chlorophyta.  It is rich in protein and rich in chlorophyll, carotenoids, . It also contains the xanthophyll, echinenone.
 C.G.F. is composed of a nucleotide-peptide containing sulphur, polysaccharides and other substances.
Its molecular weight is in the range of 3-13x10 to the 3rd power .The main sugar element of the nucleotide is glucose, Mannose, rhamnose, arabinose, galactose and zylose.,The amino acid structure of the peptide includes glytamic acid, aspartic Acid, alanine, serine, glycine and prolamine. CGF is a nucleotide-peptide complex derived from a hot water extract of chlorella. It is made mostly of nucleic acid derivatives. Researchers have discovered the CGF is produced during the intense photosynthesis that enables chlorella to grow so fast. Each cell multiplies into four new cells about every 20 hours, and CGF promotes this rapid rate of reproduction.
 Chlorella has putative anti-carcinogenic, immunomodulatory, hypolipidemic,gastric,mucosal-protective and detoxification activities. A chlorella extract has demonstrated anti-tumor and anti-metastatic effects in animal experiments. Chlorella has shown some experimental  anti-atherogenic activity and some radio- protective and chemo-detoxifying effects. It has shown some preliminary benefit in immune function and in some with fibromyalgia