Product Main


Able to seal leak while the leaking machine or pipe under various pressure or heat is working without being interrupted.
The sealant features pressure and temperature proofness and media solution proofness.
The different components determine the selant capability of decomposing temperature resistence and solidification adaptation.
Product applaications
It can seal the leaks in equipment, pips, flanges, vessels and valves under high pressure and heat without being stopped to complate the sealing process, sealant dispence gun, clamps and other relvent tools are applied as indispensible parts.
Different models of sealants works best in corrsponding temperature and certain range of pressures.
The sealnts are our star products of patented formula
Appliable to seal locations of the following leaking media:
Water vapor with high temperature, water, air, oxygen gas, ammonia gas, coal gas, stronge alkali, acid, terphenyl, formaldehyde, ethanol, kestone, ester and various oils(kerosene, gasoline, naphtha, diesel oil)etc
Able to work in the following temperatures:80-800C
Able to work in the following pressure:vacuum-320Bar