Product Main


CAS No. 2809-21-4
Molecular Formula:   C2H8O7P2                     
  Molecular weight: 206. 02   
Appearance : Colorless or light yellow transparent liquid
Active content (HEDP)%             50. 0-60. 0
Phosphorous acid (as PO33-)%    2. 0 max
Phosphoric acid  (asPO43- )%       0. 8 max
Chloride (as Cl-)%                      1. 0 max
pH (1% solution)                         2 max
Density  (20℃)g/cm3                            1. 40
Fe ion ppm                                  10 max
Usage: Used as scale inhibitor, deflocculant, sequestrant, water stabilizer in water treatment, pipeline, detergent under high temperature and high pH value
Safety Protection:
Acidity, Avoid touching with eye and skin, once contacted, flush with water.