Product Main


Product name:  Feverfew Extract
Appearance:    Yellow--brown powder
Raw material:   Natural extracted from all herb
Specifications:  Parthenolide 0.3%,0.5%,0.8%
Main functions: Feverfew Extract used as a carminative,emmenagogue, tonic,vermifuge(expeller of parasitic worms),and anti inflammatory agent for arthritis. It has also been used for the treatment of kidney pain, vertigo,and relief from morning sickness.
Usage: Additive in healthcare food and medicine
  • Treatment of menstrual irregularities.
  • Cessation of threatened spontaneous abortion.
  • Anti-arthritic.
  • Anti-pyretic.
  • Abortive and prophylactic treatment for migraine headache.
  • In addition, feverfew has been used traditionally for psoriasis, toothache, insect bites, rheumatism, asthma, and stomach-ache.