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Marigold oleoresin
Marigold oleoresin is refined from fresh marigold flower under the
processes of fermentation, precritical extraction, concentration and
other crafts. Its main components are oils and wax existed in plants
and various carotenes mainly like lutein.
Application: Natural pigment that widely used for adding color to food,
cosmetic, tobacco, medicine and animal feed industries.
Characteristics: Wax-like dark brown solid, intenerated under heat,turns
into paste at 30℃ temperature or above and becomes into viscous liquid
at 40℃ or above, soluble in vegetable oils and organic solvents like
ethanol and hexane. Insoluble in water.
Quality Index:
Feed Grade
Food Grade
Antiform xanthophylls
Solvants remain(N-hexane)
The product quality index is in line with the relevant standards of FAO/WHO.
Packages: packed in iron drum with epoxy resin paint inside, 180kg/drum,
or according to the customers’requirements.
Storage and validity: Protect from light and heat. Store in cool, dry and
airproof conditions. Validity period is 24 months.