Product Main


Application All through-hole component as IC, transform, connector, and so on.
Soldering process Lead or lead free
Soldering process Two modules, manual control or automatic program control. One solder process can be divided into different section of soldering with different height and last time. Can be programmed one wave soldering and two times soldering like double wave soldering.
Soldering peak height 0 to 10 mm above nuzzle, programmable
Solder pump Propeller driven by servo motor
Lead free pump Made by titanium (Optional)
Control unit PLC of Siements, LCD display of the parameter, small key board as operate panel, foot switch
Soldering peak high Programmable controlled by PLC
Soldering wave up speed Programmable
Soldering wave down speed Programmable
Soldering time Programmable
Soldering temperature PID close loop control by PLC Max. 380 Celsius
Standard nuzzle (Optional)
Special nuzzle Customer request design(Optional). Some nuzzle can be used to soldering desoldering two component in different position of the board by one time soldering process.
Air solders cleaning Used to cleaning the solder dross left in the hole after take off the component
Standard air nuzzle (Optional)
Special air nuzzle Customer request design (Optional)
Protection Temperature high limitation set by programmer
Heater Electricity, Max 1,200 w
Material Stainless steel
Board holder Slide movement by rail manual
PCB max. 600 x 500 mm
Component length Max. 220 mm
Board holder shift 400 mm to left
Board holder height Max. 25mm adjustable manual
Size Width 490 Height 360 Deep 720mm
Weight 40 kg
Color Blue and White, or at request
Solder pot capacity 16 kg
Power supply 220 V
Working environment Above 20 degree Celsius