Product Main


Principal Ingredients: benzoxazoles
Physical & Chemical Properties   
Appearance               pale green powder
Tone                    blue white (similar to the standard substances)
Purity                  ≥98%
Melting Point           198~203℃
Fineness                >100mesh
Performance & Features

1. Pale green powder, tasteless, dissolvable in paraffin, fat, olefin and most organic solvents. Its spectrum can absorb the maximum wavelength of 375nm with the maximum transmitted length of 435nm(in ethanol).
2. Good brightening effects and weathering resistance requires a small quantity but can be widely used
Application Scope

OB is widely used in the brightening of thermoplastics as PVC, PE, PP, PS, ABS, PMMA, POM and thermosetting plastic, polyester fiber, paint, ink and coating.
Usage Mode (compared to the weight of plastic raw material)
Polyvinyl chloride  brightening: 0.01~0.05%   
increase radiance: 0.0001~0.001%
Polystyrene 0.0001~0.05%          
 ABS: 0.01~0.05%
Polyolefin  colorless matrix: 0.0005~0.001%  
white matrix: 0.005~0.05%