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Molecular Formula 


Molecular Weight 192.1
CAS NO 77-92-9
Qulity Index:
Items Uint BP93 BP98 USP24 Enterprise standard 
Description Colorless crystal or white crystalline powder 
Identification Pass the test
Light transimittance (405nm) 20% water solution clarified 20% water solution clarified
Content % 99.5-101.5 99.5-101.0 99.5-100.5 ≥99.8
Water % ≤1.0 ≤1.0 ≤0.5 ≤0.20
PPM Barium PPM Pass the test ≤1
PPM Calcium PPM ≤200 ≤10
PPM Iron  PPM ≤50 ≤1
PPM Arsenic PPM ≤1 ≤3 ≤0.3
PPM Heavy metals PPM ≤10 ≤10 ≤10 ≤1
PPM Oxalate  PPM ≤350 ≤350 Pass the test ≤20
PPM Chloride  PPM ≤50 ≤5
PPM Sulphate  PPM ≤150 ≤150 Pass the test <30
Readily carbonizable substances  Pass the test Pass the test Pass the test
Sulphate Ash  % ≤0.1 ≤0.1 ≤0.05 ≤0.03
Organic Volatile lmpurity  Pass the test Pass the test
PPM Pb  PPM ≤0.5
PPM Aluminium  PPM ≤0.2 ≤0.2
Iu/mg Bacteria endotoxic IU/mg ≤0.5 ≤0.5
Main application
It is mainly used in food and beverage industry as acidulants, flavoring agents, preservatives and antistaling agent
It is also used in chemical , cosmetics and washing industry as antioxidant, plasticizer and detergent builder.
Molecular Formula 


Molecular Weight 192.1
CAS NO 77-92-9
Qulity Index:
Items Uint BP93 BP98 USP24 Enterprise standard 
Description Colorless crystal or white crystalline powder 
Identification Pass the test
Light transimittance (405nm) 20% water solution clarified 20% water solution clarified
Content % 99.5-101.5 99.5-101.0 99.5-100.5 ≥99.8
Water % ≤1.0 ≤1.0 ≤0.5 ≤0.20
PPM Barium PPM Pass the test ≤1
PPM Calcium PPM ≤200 ≤10
PPM Iron  PPM ≤50 ≤1
PPM Arsenic PPM ≤1 ≤3 ≤0.3
PPM Heavy metals PPM ≤10 ≤10 ≤10 ≤1
PPM Oxalate  PPM ≤350 ≤350 Pass the test ≤20
PPM Chloride  PPM ≤50 ≤5
PPM Sulphate  PPM ≤150 ≤150 Pass the test <30
Readily carbonizable substances  Pass the test Pass the test Pass the test
Sulphate Ash  % ≤0.1 ≤0.1 ≤0.05 ≤0.03
Organic Volatile lmpurity  Pass the test Pass the test
PPM Pb  PPM ≤0.5
PPM Aluminium  PPM ≤0.2 ≤0.2
Iu/mg Bacteria endotoxic IU/mg ≤0.5 ≤0.5
Main application
It is mainly used in food and beverage industry as acidulants, flavoring agents, preservatives and antistaling agent
It is also used in chemical , cosmetics and washing industry as antioxidant, plasticizer and detergent builder.
 in net 25kg/50lbs kraft paper bags,or referenced package in 1000kg pallet
Keep away from light, sealed and in cool and dry place.
Keep away from light, sealed and in cool and dry place.