Steel Plates Resistant to Weathering grades are used for manufacturing welded, riveted or bolted structures, e. g. in bridge, fa?§ade and vehicle construction. In general, the specific rust-building properties of Allwesta steel grades make surface protections of structures built of this steel grade unnecessary, provided that the 'Stahl-Eisen-Werkstoffblatt' (Iron and steel material sheet) 087 a??Wetterfeste Baust?¤hle, Richtlinien f??r die Lieferung, Verarbeitung und Anwendunga?? (Weatherresistant structural steel, guidelines for delivery, processing and application) is observed.
The user of these steel grades must make sure that his calculation, design and processing methods are appropriate for the material and comply with the state-of-theart. The good properties of Allwesta steel grades are not negatively affected by cold or hot-forming. The minimum bending radii according to table 6 of EN 10025-5 are recommended for cold-forming. Suitability for cold-forming must be agreed upon in the order.
If mechanical properties have been significantly modified by heavy coldforming, either stress relief annealing or normalised may be applied. Normalised should also be applied following hotforming outside of the temperature range of 750 - 1.050 ?°C and after overheating.