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Using Small-sized electronic ballast and combing artistic model design with high electronic technology, the integral lamp is small and exquisite, has high light efficiency, long service life, high chromogenic performance and generates no strobe.

1-Remarkable energy saving effect and consuming energy 80% less than common incandescent bulbs;

2-The economical tubes use triphosphor powder;

3-Long service life, mean lifetime reaching 8000 to 10000hrs;

4-Generating no AC noise or strobe and protects eyesight;

5-The electronic rectifier of economical lamps has low 3-order harmonic component and doesn't interfere the power network and other electric devices;

6-With good fire-resistance performance, its components (e.g. lamp holder,circuit board, leads, and coil skeleton) are made of flame-retardant materials. During operation, the temperature rise of rectifier is low