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Name: Rhodiola Rosea P.E.
Appearance: brown powder
Analytical method: HPLC
Specification: Salidroside 3%, HPLC
Rosavins 3%, HPLC
Plant origin: Rhodiola Rosea
Pharmacology function : Used for build up the immunity of the body, boost up the constitution. Improve the inginery of hemopoiesis. Stand against the weak of oxygen, caducity, tumor, fatigue, reduce the blood sugar stand against the virus, radiation, defend the altitude striss and so on. Clinical practice: There are numerous animal and test tube studies shwoing that rhodiola has both a timulating and a sedating effect on the central nervous system; Enhances physical endurance; Improves thyroid, thymus, and adrenal function; protects the nervous system, heart andliver; and has antioxidant and anticancer properties.

According to the result of a research concerning physicalduration, the swimming time of mice was prolonged to 135-159% after intake of Rhodiola. Based on another research, intake of standardized Rhodiola Extract improve the physical condition, neuro-sports ability, mental condition and overall healthy sense of the students. The targets under treatment also felt improvement from tireness, insomnia, emothion instability and lack of original motives.