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We can provide from 10-50 percent of Tribulus terrestris, Tribulus terrestris health of aquatic bacteria.

It can serve to act as an effective alternative to modern prokinetic drugs like metaclopramide.
It has anti-bacterial and antioxidant properties,
some preliminary evidence of its capability to be useful in HSV Herpes simplex virus,
some anti-tumor activity and effect in inhibiting the HIV virus,
anthraquinone and sennoside like purgative activity. Ability to evacuate the bowel,
wide antibacterial and antifungal activity, esp. against E. coli.
It's good antibiotics liver protectant.
Packing: cardboard drum, double aseptic food polyethylene bags inside. Or cartons, and aseptic food vacual polyethylene bags inside, which has 8 bags, bag 2.5 kg carton 20 kg